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Scholar of the Yangtse River
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        About Us

 Department of Medicinal Chemistry and the State Key Discipline of Medicinal Chemistry

Welcome to Department of Medicinal Chemistry at Peking University Health and Science Center. The department was founded in 1996 by amalgamating the Teaching and Research section of Medicinal Chemistry with the Laboratory of Anti-tumor Drugs. Medicinal chemistry was evaluated as one of State Key Disciplines in 2001 and its main course, medicinal chemistry, is one of the National Elaborated Course in Peking University. The department has a teaching staff of seventeen, which includes one academician of Chinese Academy of Science, one Scholar of the Yangtse River and seven Ph.D. supervisors.

Our goal is to explore new knowledge for discovery and development of novel drugs based on the structure of functional gene/protein which relate to cancer, viral infection or other major diseases. Our current researches focus on the following directions: 1) Discovery and validation of new anti-cancer or anti-viral drugs targeting nucleic acid. 2) Discovery of novel drugs targeting disease related proteins. 3) Synthesis and evaluation of novel saccharides. 4) Development of methodology of structure-based drug design. These researches are funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Natural Science Foundation, the Ministry of Education, and cooperative contracts with pharmaceutical companies.

北京大学                        北京大学医学部                        北京大学药学院

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